I think its been over 4 years since I abandoned this website and gave up on my goal to create oil paintings for an eventual show. I’ve had to learn to let go of feelings attached to unfortunate circumstances that led to my departure from painting. The motivation has been returning, and within the past […]
Category: Painting
Models Visit
Valarie and Mary stopped by for a visit and I had to ask them to pose in front of the painting they modeled for. Not much has been happening in Elysian Realm lately. The seasons have been playing tug-o-war here in northern Nevada, but the warm weather may now have won the match. I have […]
I decided to varnish the painting because I don’t want to work on it any more. The gloss from the gamvar varnish seemed almost too glossy. I had to let it dry for a couple days and thought maybe I had applied it too thick, so I used Gamsol on a rag to remove the […]
Finishing up
The difficult decision at the moment is whether or not I am finished with the “Tattoo Girls” oil painting. The problem is that I can still see many areas that can be improved, but I’m not really wanting to work on it any more. I have a day off tomorrow so I will see after […]
I managed to paint quite a bit over the last few days. I plan to work on the hair of the brunette, add some touch ups to the background, and add tattoos to the redhead. Then I think I will be done. Tonight I started designing a new spine for the art mannequin. I’m going […]
Tattoo Girls render started
I had a day off today and I promised myself I would paint. So after I dropped my son off at school I came home and set to task. I got my paints laid out, mixed up some flesh tones in varying values and temperatures, put some linseed oil in a cup, and I started […]
Ready for next stage of painting
i was able to finish laying in the first color stage today. I still feel sloppy and not as analytical as I should be, so my goal for the next phase is to really get my brain involved in crawling across every surface and feeling confident in my color choices. I really want to bring […]
Highly analytical or messy guessing?
I can get into a mindset while painting where I analyze very carefully the color and tonal transitions across each surface, meticulously trying to match my paints to what I see…moving through the artwork at an incredibly slow pace. The results are usually worth the hard work. But this sort of process also makes it […]
A bit of painting today
I alternated between putting fenders on my Jeep and painting today. It’s difficult to be satisfied with my artwork sometimes. I feel like it’s coming out okay, but as an artist one always wants to be better. I filmed all my progress again. I only worked on the face and neck. Near the end I […]
I started another painting a couple days ago. I wanted to do one that wouldn’t be so time-consuming, and also I wanted to try a different technique this time. So I’m taking a break from the Tattoo Girls painting and using a pose from the photo shoot I did with Valarie a few weeks ago. […]