Anatomy Digital Drawing Other Projects

Skeletons and Teaching

The only progress lately on the skeleton mannequins is that I had 15 boxes of each gender created, and I found a temporary solution for the inside padding.

When I have a little extra money I will have more skeleton parts made, assemble them, and then attempt to sell a few.

I have been teaching a few art classes at our local art center – including a drawing class for ages 55 and up that is being funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Nevada Arts Council.

At the conclusion of the class, the students’ drawings will be framed and displayed at our local library and we will have a little art show.

I have also been teaching a Color Theory class and a Pencil Shading class for the general public.

Starting July 19 and continuing every week for 4 weeks, I will be teaching an Anatomy Drawing class for ages 15 and up. Each class will be 2 hours. Information can be found here: Anatomy for Artists

Starting July 21 and continuing every week for 4 weeks, I will be teaching a Character Drawing class for ages 12-18. Each class will be 1 hour. Information can be found here: Character Drawing

By Cody Deegan

Cody Deegan is a life-long artist versed in drawing, painting, sculpting, and design. He studied filmmaking and character animation at the California Institute of the Arts in Los Angeles as well as figurative oil painting at the Gage Academy of Art in Seattle.

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