

I jumped back into the artwork this week after a much needed break from the art mannequin. My kid and I were sick for the past 2 weeks and now that I’m feeling better I’m anxious to create. I started off with some drawing on gray toned paper, working from a photo shoot I had done years ago. Then I got my brain back into oil painting mode and returned to work on the tattoo girls. Since I’m still in the dead coloring stage I’ve just been slapping in colors to get all the white of the canvas filled.

I got some Christmas money and decided to order another easel. I’ll be able to work on more than one painting at a time. My goal now is to create as much original artwork as I possibly can over the next 6 months and try to get it all into a gallery.

By Cody Deegan

Cody Deegan is a life-long artist versed in drawing, painting, sculpting, and design. He studied filmmaking and character animation at the California Institute of the Arts in Los Angeles as well as figurative oil painting at the Gage Academy of Art in Seattle.

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