I had to tend to other matters over the past few months, mainly my other business, which obviously put my art endeavors on hold. Today I had a day off and was able to devote some time to my stalled art mannequin project. Yes Hector has been frustrating me. Did I mention I named him […]
Tag: art mannequin
A brand new spine
Yays and boos (which seem to be the new norm with the skeleton’s progress). It’s been a while since the last post so here’s what has happened: I abandoned the gooseneck tubing and instead found some solid copper wire that slides easily into plastic tubing at the hardware store. I redesigned the skeleton’s pelvis, ribcage, […]
I decided to varnish the painting because I don’t want to work on it any more. The gloss from the gamvar varnish seemed almost too glossy. I had to let it dry for a couple days and thought maybe I had applied it too thick, so I used Gamsol on a rag to remove the […]
I managed to paint quite a bit over the last few days. I plan to work on the hair of the brunette, add some touch ups to the background, and add tattoos to the redhead. Then I think I will be done. Tonight I started designing a new spine for the art mannequin. I’m going […]
Skeleton design changes
I gave my skeleton a hard assessment today, noting all the things I want to be better. And I only have two complaints: 1. The stand is awful. It won’t hold position unless the bolts on the hinges are super-duper tight. Redesign the stand hinges. 2. The spine doesn’t operate well. Redesign the spine. […]
The gorilla glue is no good for this project. The muscles detached very easily. So I tried again with the expensive adhesive that I had previously had failures with, and this time I was able to get it to work. It’s tricky and messy, but after 2 hours this morning I was able to get […]
I was able to make over 30 molds of individual muscles for the torso and upper arms. However casting with the red silicone did not go so well due to air getting trapped inside the molds while pouring. So I have ordered a syringe and will try injecting the silicone to force the air out. […]
I’m back to work on creating the muscles. I had to take a break for a while due to having to live in my shop for 5 weeks to avoid tension in the house. Now that I’m back living in my home I have resumed work. The muscles are proving to be very difficult to […]
Trying to find the best approach to creating all the muscles, I first had to make sure silicone would stick to the skeleton and stretch without breaking. So I had to create some silicone muscles. I took the clay sculpts and made an injection-type mold from them. Injection meaning that I literally inject the silicone […]
My second skeleton model is almost assembled. I accidentally ordered two left femurs so I took the opportunity to redesign the femur a bit so that the steel ball magnet fits it better. I ordered a left and a right this time and they should be here soon. I also have some mold-making materials on […]