

I had a small photo shoot the other day with an interesting fellow so that I could have some original reference pictures for a new piece of artwork. I went through all 77 pictures this morning trying to visualize a nice drawing or painting from one of them. After a few tries at putting a photoshop comp together, I started playing around with cropping, blend modes, and adjustment layers on a particular photo. I eventually had a decent looking comp that I actually liked. After realizing how much detail would be involved, I decided to hold off on starting a painting from it. Save that for another day.

So next I decided to dig up an old design of a zombie girl and try to figure out a color palette for it. In doing so I found myself taking breaks to explore and study more color theory concepts and look at paintings from masters to examine their color palette choices. Zombie girl needs to look real but with very unreal colors. I must have worked on it most of the afternoon because here it is 10pm and I just finished my first idea for the color palette.

I like it now, but perhaps over the next few days I will revisit it and see if I decide to tweak it and try other ideas.

By Cody Deegan

Cody Deegan is a life-long artist versed in drawing, painting, sculpting, and design. He studied filmmaking and character animation at the California Institute of the Arts in Los Angeles as well as figurative oil painting at the Gage Academy of Art in Seattle.

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