I had shared my three World Culture pencil portraits on Facebook over the last couple weeks, and after doing so I got a message from a woman I had grown up and gone to school with. She wanted to give an 8×10 child portrait to a close friend as a belated birthday present, and she also wanted a 9×12 done of her own grandchild.
Her request is what prompted me to hurry up and get my business license – which I finally secured yesterday. ELYSIAN REALM is officially legitimate.
I had not expected to receive any drawing requests when I was sharing my work on Facebook – I was just showing off. I didn’t have any good drawing paper when she contacted me. I had done the World Culture portraits in an old drawing pad I had found in my house. So I quickly placed an order for some pro-quality bristol pads and put a rush on them.
The package showed up yesterday and I immediately set to work. 6 hours later the portrait was finished. I sent my client the invoice and asked if she’d like me to deliver it to her.
This morning I went to her brand new salon, gawked at how great the place looked (I had rented the exact same building for a few years back in the early 2000’s), and I gave her the finished portrait. She was sure her friend was going to cry after receiving it.
A couple hours later, I received a text that said, “Yup she cried”.